mercator map projection


Map projection What is meant by Map Projection is a way to describe all or part of the earth's surface on a flat plane (sea map). The result of this transfer was not as good as expected, so it is necessary to make a map projection. The function and use of map projection is for certain purposes used a suitable map for the activity and can select maps map with the least distortion so that the map shape is happens closer to its true form. The map projection category is divided into 3 (three) main parts described in the image below: a) Projection on the plane (azimuthal projection) b) Projection in the conical plane (conical projection) c) Projection in the cylindrical plane (cylindrical projection). Cylindrical projection image In the flat plane projection there are gnomonic, stereographic, and orthographic projections. Of the three projections on a flat plane the famous one is the gnomonic projection, because it has the following properties: 1. The projection center is the center of the earth. 2. In this projection a tangent plane to the globe is used. 3. The points on the globe are depicted on a flat plane. 4. Point of contact can be selected at the pole, at the equator or any. 5. The projection of the large circle is a straight line. 6. The landmarks and the equator are always straight lines. 7. Derajahs gather at the poles. 8. Derajah from the point of contact perpendicular to the equator and the rows.


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